While undertaking your Spanish course Escuela Delengua in Granada you are always going to come across those little words that stand out so much more than others, the ones which you repeat over and over in your head simply because they sounds nice, amusing or just quite obscure. More importantly, these are the little words that are responsible for those immense feelings of excitement, self achievement and of course glory whenever the opportunity arises for you to actually use them in context.
We wanted to ask what these little words were for the students learning Spanish here in Granada and why, so we could amuse ourselves with the variety of words that would come up and the students’ equally interesting explanations behind their choices. Of course another reason is so that we can equip ourselves with an adequate lexicon ready for those glorifying moments of linguistic prowess!
To start off, one of my favourite words that I came across when learning Spanish at Escuela Delengua was the word “murciélago”, simply because it is one of the few words in Spanish that contains all five vowels and that the rhythm of the word is rather pleasing to the ear, which is in complete contrast to the appearance and sound of the animal it refers to. It is also in complete contrast to the equivalent word in my native language, English, which is “bat”; a rather unflattering word to say the least.
Upon asking other students taking Spanish courses here in Granada, we were rewarded with a number of interesting words and some equally weird and wonderful explanations to accompany them.
One interesting contribution was “zanahoria” simply because this particular speaker really enjoyed repeating the word over and over and the fact that, in her opinion, it was a rather “glorious word” for a rather simple vegetable.

‘Los sueños nos mantienen despiertos’
Beautiful words captured by Escuela Delengua student Nazim Alfatli while on a walk in Granada
Whether you have taken a Spanish course in Granada already or whether you are just thinking about it, we would still like to know what your favourite word is. Please feel free to comment at the end of this page and share your little favourite word with us!
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