Author Archives: admin

5 easy ways to become more immersed in the language whilst you learn Spanish in Granada

Learning a new language can be difficult and tiring, and sometimes it´s tempting to swtich off after you´ve finished your classes and your homework. However, in order to [..]


Reasons to attend our daily activities whilst studying Spanish at our language school in Granada

Students come to our language school for many different reasons: some need to learn Spanish for work, others in order to travel, and some simply want to do [..]


Improve your writing skills whilst learning Spanish in Granada

Whilst many students struggle most with speaking and listening in a foreign language, it can also be incredibly difficult to write to a high standard in a language [..]



  SPECIAL OFFER: SPANISH COURSE FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS If you are an Erasmus student in Granada and would like to improve your Spanish during your stay, or simply [..]

Erasmus Granada , , , , , ,

If I only had two weeks in Granada with Escuela Delengua I would…

While some students study with us at Escuela Delengua for months at a time, many students come for much shorter periods during their holidays. With so much to [..]

actividades de la escuela / out-of-school activities, Cursos de español / Spanish courses, Granada, Los alrededores de Granada/ The surrounding area of Gra, Monumentos/ Monuments , , ,