Feria del Caballo de pura raza española
Español | English | |
Suelen haber muchas ferias y fiestas en Granada, y esta semana no es una excepción. Este fin de semana, entre los días 23 y 26 de octubre, en Armilla, justo al lado de Granada, se celebra la séptima Feria del Caballo de pura raza española. En esta feria participarán más de trescientos caballos de las ganaderías más prestigiosas de España. Hay concursos entre estos caballos de pura raza, dirigidos tanto a los profesionales como los aficionados al caballo entre el público. También vale la pena visitar la feria si tienes interés por la moda flamenca: los profesionales de este sector acuden a la pasarela que hay el día 25, y el espectáculo capta la atención. Además, hay doma de caballos y vacas, un espectáculo infantil, exhibiciones de carruajes y concursos diarios.
Es la segunda feria más importante de España, después de la de Jerez, y la calidad de los espectáculos es muy alta. Después de siete años de éxito y de mejora, esperan una feria de una calidad aun más alta este año. El objetivo es ayudar al fomento y a la expansión del Caballo de Pura Raza Española. Este año se han invertido 200.000 euros y hay el máximo número de caballos para el espacio (300 caballos en 12. 000 metros cuadrados): se espera que asistan unas 40.000 personas. Si estás en Granada, vale la pena visitar la feria: si ya has visto un caballo de pura raza española, conoces su belleza y orgullo cautivadores, o si no has visto este tipo de caballo nunca, tienes que hacerlo cuanto antes para poder apreciar su elegancia. |
There are often many festivals and fiestas in Granada, and this week is no different. This weekend, between the 23rd and 26th of October, in Armilla, just outside Granada, the 7th Festival of Purebred Spanish horses is taking place. More than three hundred horses from the most prestigious ranches in Spain will take part in the festival. There are competitions between these thoroughbred horses, aimed as much as horse-lovers among the public as professionals from the industry. The festival is also well worth a visit if you are interested in Flamenco clothing: those who are in this line of work flock to the catwalk show that takes place on the 25th, which certainly captures the attention. You can also watch horses and bulls being broken in, there is a children’s show, carriage exhibitions, and daily competitions.
This festival is the second most important in Spain, after that in Jerez, and the quality of the shows is incredibly high. After seven years of success and improvement, a festival of an even higher quality is hoped for this year. The aim of the festival is to help the development and expansion of the Purebred Spanish Horse. This year, 200,000 euros have been spent on the festival, and there are as many horses as will fit into the available space (300 horses in 12,000 square metres): it is expected that approximately 40,000 people will show up. If you are in Granada, it is really worth going to the festival: if you have already seen a pure, thoroughbred Spanish horse, you will know of their mesmerising beauty and pride, and if you have never seen this type of horse, you have to do so as soon as possible, so that you can appreciate their elegance. |