Activities at Delengua: different ways to improve your Spanish when taking an intensive course in Granada, Spain

Although you have your Spanish classes in the morning when you take an intensive Spanish course at Escuela Delengua, the daily activities offering gives students an opportunity to improve their understanding in a fun, interesting and cultural environment. You find that each student has an activity that appeals to them the most. Therefore we are going to show you the different activities we offer…what appeals to you the most?

Each week, there will always be a visit to a site within Granada, as the city boasts some beautiful monuments such as its Cathedral, Sacromonte Abbey and of course, the Alhambra. A student here, Isabel regards it as “one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It looks so spectacular from el mirador de San Nicolas.” These expressive and historical buildings throughout Granada are talking points for students, which encourages lots of Spanish conversation!


Lets go visit Mirador San Nicolas with Delngua

Lets go visit Mirador San Nicolas with Delngua


“I loved the excursions!” says Simone, a former Delengua student. “It was a great activity to do during the weekends when we didn’t have class.” An excellent aspect of the activities program is getting to take part in the weekend excursions, as it gives you a chance to get to know other sites within the region of Andalusia, namely the beautiful cities of Córdoba and Seville. Additionally, we have our guide, Juan, who takes you to all the monuments and areas of interest during the excursion, giving a detailed historical background in Spanish. Many students are surprised that they can understand so much!

Film is part of the activities offering as a brilliant way to learn Spanish and to get used to Spanish conversation. We either watch films in the school or go out to the cinema to see the latest Spanish releases! “I have discovered Spanish cinema at the same time as improving my Spanish!” says Alex after completing her course.

Finally, probably the most popular activities are the leisure activities whether it is salsa, flamenco or even a game of pool! Nearly every student takes part in our tapas night every Monday. It gives us all the chance to practise our Spanish skills in a social and relaxed environment and to meet the new students. Furthermore, can anyone resist free tapas!


Actividad semanal:tapas

Weekly activity: on Monday we are going to taste Tapas and practise Spanish with Delengua


Whichever activities you participate in at Escuela Delengua, it is guaranteed you will find one that really suits you! We always encourage students to take photos of the activities and to upload them on our Facebook page because they are fond and unforgettable memories of their stay in Granada

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actividades de la escuela / out-of-school activities, Cursos de español / Spanish courses, Lugares míticos de Granada / Beautiful places in Granada, Monumentos/ Monuments , ,

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